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5 min read

Comparing Video Production Companies (& Impacts on Project Pricing)

Editor's Note: This blog was updated for accuracy and relevance in July 2024.

How many people does it take to produce a video? This is a great question. The costs and quality of your video will vary depending on the number of professionals needed to complete your project.

Some people will tell you length is the largest determining factor when it comes to the cost of a video, but I’m here to tell you that’s not the case. Quality and expertise have much more to do with scoping your next video project.

In general, you have four options when producing video:

  1. Internal/Intern

  2. Solo Videographer

  3. Video Production Company

  4. Ad Agency

I’m going to walk you through the differences of each video production option and how the variables affect the cost and the quality.

For the purpose of this post, I’m going to compare making videos in the lawn care business to show you the pros and cons of each option.

The goal is to help you see the progression of quality as the number of video professionals increases. So, let’s see how many people it takes to produce your video. Here are your options:

Option 1: Intern or internal employee

Number of professionals required: Zero
Costs: Low (Possibly under $500 - depending on employee salary)

Quality: Suspect

More and more companies are exploring the option of using staff to produce videos. Let’s face it, Millennials and Gen Z'ers have grown up with easy video editing software at their fingertips, and many frequently tinker with video editing and uploading on the side. Thus, there’s a good chance someone on your staff has the desire and maybe even the ability to produce your video.

This approach may meet the needs of the company, especially if it’s a low exposure internal communications piece or a simple message from the CEO. And while you may save money, there are other costs associated with this approach - employee productivity and internal perception. While professionals may cost more per hour to produce videos, they are faster and more efficient. Additionally, they bring outside perspective that may enhance the project in ways you may not consider.  On the other hand, if you would like to produce videos to be used in social media, you might consider user-generated content, sourced from your followers. If your customers are willing to interact and devote their time and talents toward your brand, these can be more impactful than an internally produced video. 

What could take a professional 5 hours to produce, could take a novice videographer considerably longer to complete. Weigh these costs when deciding whether to use your internal staff.  

Note: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Just because you may have someone in your office who can operate a camera, doesn’t mean they are qualified to produce professional videos for your business. Users are more selective (and educated) than ever, and they can spot a video that looks like a cheap commercial in a heartbeat. However, if you’re planning on choosing an internal videographer, there’s certain equipment you’ll need to have:

  • Video Equipment: Though cellphone footage has come a long way, you’re still missing the essential equipment for quality video. Sure they shoot HD video, but with a fixed lens, built-in microphone, and rely on ambient light.
  • Audio Equipment: Video professionals often argue that audio quality is equally (if not more) important than visuals. If your subjects are not properly mic’d up and are relying on your camera’s built-in microphone, be prepared for the wind and ambient noises to take center stage.
  • Editing Software: You have more “wiggle room” to fix a shaky video shot with editing software available today (though you should also be using a tripod!). Even so, post-production shouldn’t be a crutch, and working with an experienced editor can save time and increase the quality of any project.
  • Lighting Equipment: For some reason, when people are on a budget for a video, they typically leave lighting out of the budget. Big mistake! Even if you’re filming outside, you can never count solely on natural light and relying on artificial overhead lighting indoors can leave subjects looking shadowed or discolored.

Watch an Example

Here is an example of a video shot by a non-professional. It gives you the intended info but is fairly rudimentary. It accomplishes its goal but is not broadcast quality by any means.


Option 2: Solo Videographer

Number of professionals required: One
Costs: $500 - $5,000
Quality: Decent but room for improvement

A good way to keep costs down but bump up your production value is to reach out to the independent videographer, often known as the one-person band. This person does it all: shoot, write, edit, graphics, etc. However, the phrase, “Jack of all trades, master of none” comes to mind.

Often, the lone videographer is excellent at some tasks like capturing new footage or audio but might lack skills in editing or writing. That’s okay, though. You are still going to get a quality product that you’re comfortable showing the general public. Finding videographers is a fairly easy process, but finding a talented camera operator and editor may take more legwork. 

Note: Limitations on Solo Videographers

One of the most important elements that may be lost when working with an independent videographer is strategy and project management. Experienced camera operators are usually quite proficient with filming, and post-production professionals may be talented when editing, but both may fall short when it comes to thinking strategically for your project. Additionally, you most likely have a budget and a deadline. It's important that your video partner is reliable, responsive and able to manage project timelines. Be sure to collect references that can speak to your videographers ability to fulfill these aspects of your project.

Watch an Example

In this example, it would seem that the producer of this project checked all the boxes. A script was prepared, edits were made that featured a variety of shots and the information is clearly communicated. However, it's fairly easy to see that this is not a high quality production. For example, the lighting is poor - the subject is overexposed, the background is cluttered and distracting, and the audio is somewhat over modulated. You may not have picked up on some of the intricacies, but certainly, you could sense a lack of quality.

One could argue that this is a successful video in that it shows the viewer how to replace a drive belt. Yet, it lacks the crispness and professional finish that most brands would require. An internal videographer with minimal skills could produce this project and if this level of quality meets your needs, you're in business.


Option 3: Video Production Company

Number of professionals: 2+
Costs: $5,000 - $50,000
Quality: High

When production value is important, it’s time to reach out to a professional video production company. This usually happens when expectations and exposure is high. When a video project will be seen as a direct reflection of the expertise or quality of your business, your reputation is on the line. Ensure that visuals are sharp and messaging is on target. Examples of these types of videos include company culture overviews, strategic video marketing pieces, etc.

There are instances when additional technicians like audio techs, lighting specialists or even a makeup artist, are needed. This may increase the cost, but the benefits can be exponential, especially when the exposure, or visibility of the project is heightened.

An established video production company has experts who write scripts, develop the creative strategy, and ensure you have a high-end video you want to show the world.

Watch an Example

Here is an excerpt of a training video that was part of a multi-video series. The exposure was high and was a direct reflection of the company that produced the series.

The on-camera talent is a professional. The company chose to film the video using multiple locations, b-roll footage, motion graphics and a green screen backdrop to create more visual experience for the viewers. 


Option 4: Ad Agency

Number of professionals: A lot (10+)
Costs: A lot ($75,000+)
Quality: Off the charts

When you need a visually stunning video that could be broadcast nationally and used as part of a large advertising campaign, you need to make the right decision. In these cases, an advertising agency could be a good move, especially when the exposure and budget is high.

They have video professionals to work with you to develop the concept, scripting, demographic research, ad buys, location scouts and talent sourcing. 

Watch an Example

Ad agencies tend to shy away from “how-to” videos, so I had to get creative. Here is a promotional video from Tractor Supply Co. The first thing you notice is this is a highly stylized video with professional actors and perfect audio.



Ultimately, when producing videos for your company, you have options. You simply need to take a look at your goals and resources.

Maybe an intern is perfect for your next project. Maybe you need a little help, so a solo videographer is the best choice. Whatever you choose, just remember, the cost isn’t determined by duration. The number of professionals and the quality necessary to complete your video determines the cost.

So, how many professionals does it take to create your video?

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