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Steve Mulholland

Video team on a shoot

Beyond the Camera - The Hidden Expertise of a Video Marketing Firm

This may surprise you. In today's digital age, the power of video marketing not only remains an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes and...

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Image of a videographer filming two individuals

Filming on a Budget: Essential Gear and Techniques for SMBs

You’ve heard the refrain any number of times:

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Video editor editing video

Making the Most of Your Video Budget

Whenever we’re discussing a video project with a client, we make every effort to ensure they’re thinking about how to get the most out of their video...

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The Power of StoryTelling: How Video Marketing Drives Brand Advocacy

There is no greater endorsement for a brand than one that is created organically and delivered altruistically; unsolicited and entirely authentic.

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Documentary Style Videos: What They Are and Why They're Effective

The term "documentary" can evoke a variety of images.

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Video camera at promotional video filming

Know Your Audience for Your Promotional Video

So, you’ve been thinking about a promotional video for your company or organization.

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